Now...when I say the word responsibility I'm not referring to paying bills, doing laundry or cleaning your house. These activities are day to day no brainers that most people navigate without really putting to much thought into the process. And, just for fairness, there are people who have certain debilitating conditions that enable them from performing these day to day tasks and need medical help in order to get them back on track. That's a whole other post and not what this one is about. No, the kind of responsibility I'm speaking of is taking responsibility for making positive changes in your life. A psychologist and friend of mine once said that individuals who were raised without the proper tools to deal with life's ever changing structure will always speak two languages. That is if they choose to learn to navigate life from a healthier place then they were given growing up. The new language is based in truth, love, and compassion first and foremost for yourself because without this self awareness you can not possibly bestow these gifts on others. The problem though with these individuals who were given unhealthy guidelines is their resistance to change. They've spoken this unhealthy language for so long that they don't realize that's the key factor reeking havoc in all areas of their life. And, when they find a bold moment in themselves and make an attempt at speaking this healthier language they most often feel anxiety which is quickly interpreted as being on the wrong track or they are quickly cast down by the very people who taught them the unhealthy language. It's truly up each person wanting to make that leap to start out with boundaries for the nay saying individuals. Most of the nay sayers mean well but if they too are resistant to change then they are really not going to receive your efforts. You've heard the old saying "misery loves company" and people who are miserable will sometimes, unconsciously, try everything to keep you just as miserable as them or keep getting you to buy into their warped belief system. So start out by telling them your intention to change. You might even, uncomfortably, have to tell them not to ask too many questions but that you are making a conscious effort to operate from a healthier place and will have to remove yourself from any conversation that is not inline with your new way of doing life. Tough love is what it's called and too many adults these days are having to make a stand for better communication in all areas of their life.
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